Monday, May 3, 2010

Project Evaluation

If I was going to attempt a project similar to this in the future, or if someone I know was planning something like this, I would definitely advise them to plan it out further in advance. One of the unfortunate aspects of my TechQuest is that, due to the nature of PD at most schools, the material that is covered is generally scheduled far in advance. As such, while I would have liked to implement my TechQuest before the end of this school year, due to scheduling I cannot do it until the 2010-11 school year. When I am able to present my TechQuest I will have to evaluate how my project is received by my peers, in order to evaluate changes for the future. If all goes well, I hope to expand this program in the future to focus on the knowledge and skills that my staff would like to learn more about.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chris,

    It's such a shame that you couldn't run with this now. Time is always such problem with teaching. I was so lucky that my Principal was able to reschedule our Wednesday professional development sessions so that I was able to carry out my tech quest. Good luck with your program next year. Hopefully our SIG wiki will really be of help. Good luck with your own professional development with Smartboards ( I know that is one of my main goals this summer) and with training your colleagues.
